2013Past midnight already here in Abu Dhabi, the 27th of November 2013, finally, dimatasaya can go live.
Choosing the domain name was fairly easy, as I already had it in mind for quite sometime. But finding the domain registrar, the hosting provider, and the wordpress theme that suit my feeling was quite stressful. And once I had everything, another hardwork was awaiting. I had to setup, install, configure, match here and there. Luckily everything went well.
I like the theme, it is simple, gallery oriented, and has a control panel. And what I like most is that it provides such a backdoor exit, so that you can introduce some additional css codes through the control panel. This way I’ve escaped the need for modifying the css files, good one!
Okay, here they are :
Domain registrar – ardhosting.com
Hosting Provider – site5.com
WordPress Theme – Expression by Pexeto
Arief Firmansjah
Congratulation Om Idi untuk launching-nya dimatasaya.com….
Two thumbs up untuk foto-foto nya!!
Saya favorite banget dengan foto2 landscapenya Om Idi….angle dan komposisinya bagus-bagus…
Enak dilihat dimatasaya… 🙂
Makasih pak Arief.
Foto-foto pak Arief juga bagus-bagus, ayo dikumpulin. Saya siap bantu deh kalo mau bikin gallery juga 🙂
Weleh, ini yang namanya sudah master dan suhu…
Mantafb Mas Agung…
kang Mantra, ini namanya iseng aja kok hehehe. Suwun!
dimatasaya, kita harus ninggalin jejak dulu.. 🙂 congrat !
sron, ente ninggalin jejak dimana-mana hehe. Shukron 🙂